In loving memory of the Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gigi and all those affected by the horrific accident that took place January 26, 2020 I wanted to talk about “time”. A lot of times we think that there’s enough of that so called “time” to get things done not knowing exactly how much of that time we have left. If we have one thing guaranteed in life is the date that we are going to take our last breath. I’m very confident to say that not one person that got in that helicopter knew when they woke up that it would be the last hours of their lives and the truth of the matter is that we never know what’s going to happen in our future but one thing we do know is how to control our present. This is a very unfortunate situation that took place and the reason why I wanted to talk about it is because we as humans tend to procrastinate a lot and wait until the next day to get things done or whenever we feel like it knowing that time its against us.

Same situation happens when is time to use your credit knowing that your credit is not where it needs to be for you to qualify for the things that you want, you knew this but you always told yourself “I have time to work on it” which is very true, you can work on your credit whenever you want however, the longer you wait the further your credit goals will be. Time its something that we take for granted not understanding how valuable time is, you should make the decision to start fixing your credit now so you can be one step closer to reach your credit goals, I know that you want to take your family on a nice vacation, get that new car at an excellent interest rate, buy a new house, get that new job but your credit is holding you back so why wait any longer?

Here at Credit Services of America we want to help you fix your credit, as part of our FREE credit consultation we will go over your credit profile and explain how we are going to work all those negative accounts. We also go over the timeline and our disputes process giving you a very clear understanding of how much time it will take to work on it, remember that you we are always racing against time, so don’t wait any longer and take your first step to a better future today!

A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish. Give us a call TODAY at 844-FIX-URCR or click on the following link to schedule your FREE consultation and create your personalize plan to achieve your credit and debt GOALS!

*Individual results may vary. Please call for details and to discuss your own individual situation.