The US household total debt just rose by $148 billion, or 0.9 percent, to $17.05 trillion in the first quarter of 2023 and household debt and credit installments like mortgage balances climbed to $121 billion and stood at $12.04 trillion at the end of March.
Original Lenders and Debt Collection Agencies are companies trying to recover at least some of the debt. In some cases, if the Original Lender of your debt fails to collect on your debt repaid, it may resell your debt to yet another collection agency. Collectors can attempt to collect money from delinquent debt from credit cards, medical bills or auto loans.
Luckily there are laws to protect you from the harassment thanks to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is in your corner.
The federal law prevents a debt collector from contacting you before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless you let them. Always check the small print when you are signing. Calling you at work if you are not allowed to be contacted there. The are not allowed to discuss your debt with anyone except your spouse or your attorney. The can no and should not harass you. Harassing includes hurling profanity at you or constantly bugging you by phone. Some collectors will lie as a scare tactic however lying about details of your debt, such as misinforming you about how much money you owe or falsely claiming you’re going to be arrested. A debt collector can, however, contact other people to obtain your phone number, address or workplace information.
Collectors cannot deposit a post-dated check ahead of time. This violates the FDCPA, you can take the collector to court. Under the FDCPA, a negative mark related to uncollected debt can remain on your credit report for seven years from the time the debt first became delinquent. The statute of limitations governs how long negative information about the debt collections will remain on your report. your credit reports. There is another debt-related statute of limitations to consider. This one restricts the window of time during which a lender or debt collector can sue you to recover money from you. The statute of limitations varies from state to state, but it is three to six years. Even though the debt was sold a year after the account first became delinquent, the amount of time that this negative item appears on your credit report is not extended.
What can you do when an account is in collections? Do not ignore the debt, Here at Credit Services of America we can assist by requesting the debt collector to STOP calling you. They may still contact you by mail or email but all calls will cease and desist. We can help you settle for 30%070% less than what you owe when you sign up for our Debt Settlement Plan. Remember everything on your credit report can be disputed. For more details, please call us to set up a FREE consultation!
A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish. Give us a call TODAY at 844-FIX-URCR or click on the following link to schedule your FREE consultation and create your personalize plan to achieve your credit and debt GOALS!
*Individual results may vary. Please call for details and to discuss your own individual situation.