Finding a mistake on your credit report is the worst, especially because how to fix it isn’t immediately obvious. The last thing you want is a clerical error tanking your credit score. Credit Services of America has a proven system for disputing negative erroneous items on your credit report. Legally, credit agencies can take 30 – 45 days to respond to a credit dispute letter. Disputing an error may seem like more trouble than it’s worth. But having incorrect items removed can have a significant, immediate impact on your credit score.:
Identifying Errors
We analyze information on your report. We carefully comb through your entire report since most reports contain errors.
Commonly Reported Credit Errors
Identifying information (name, address, employment information, social security number, etc.)
Closed accounts listed as open.
Unfamiliar credit card or loan applications
Bad debts older than seven years
Duplicate accounts
Debts from an old joint account
Inaccurate payment history
Do they have Evidence?
For example, if there’s an error in your address, we use the most recent utility bills or your driver’s license to confirm and use this information to dispute. We may also request documentation to prove the accuracy of these reports.
Time for Investigation
Legally, the credit agency has 30 – 45 days to respond to your dispute. When the investigation has ended, you will receive written notice of the credit agency’s conclusion. If your credit report has been corrected, you will also receive a free copy of your new report.
We Follow Up!
If you have not heard from the credit reporting agency within 30-45 days, we follow up. Follow up also consists of request for deletion for not addressing disputes.
A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish. Give us a call TODAY at 844-FIX-URCR or click on the following link to schedule your FREE consultation and create your personalize plan to achieve your credit and debt GOALS!
*Individual results may vary. Please call for more details and to discuss your own individual situation.