You may not need a credit history for now, perhaps you are not even thinking about how to improve your credit score. But at some point you will find a fantastic opportunity and you cannot access it because you do not have good credit. Imagine, what happens if you need to rent a car or apply for a loan or credit card to finance your business? You will find that your credit score is low and lenders will not allow you to borrow money or offer you lower terms and rates. You will miss out on the incredible opportunities that will help you grow your business. But don’t worry, Credit Services of America can help!
Let us pave the path to improve your overall credit health. Why is it important to increase your credit score? You may be surprised to learn that a good credit score can save hundreds or thousands of dollars on a car loan, or mortgage or even a credit card. For an entrepreneur, a good credit score can add up to tens of thousands of dollars in interest rate savings on long-term loans and credit card fees. Here’s something else you need to consider: When applying for a business loan, your personal credit score can be just as important as your business credit score.
What if we told you that you can increase your personal credit score?
Wouldn’t you want to take the necessary steps to make positive changes to your credit score?
To start, this table shows you the risk that lenders perceive according to different ranges of credit scores when they offer personal credit:
Score Credit guide sample:
300 – 599 Less than Poor No Credit/Sub Prime 17.99% – 29.99%
600 – 649 Poor to Fair Sub Prime 9.99% – 17.99%
650 – 699 Fair to Good Prime 4.99% – 9.99%
700 – 850 Good to Excellent Discounts 0.00% – 4.99%
The questions then arise:
Can I increase my credit score quickly?
How can I increase my credit score in 30 days?
Is it even possible to speed up the process?
If you have any of these questions, the following tips and techniques will help you improve your credit score and by as many points as possible.
Do you think that the only way to build credit history is by accessing credit?
You’re wrong!
Get a secured credit card!
A secured credit card is not the same as a prepaid debit card, nor is it the same as an unsecured card.
Secured vs Unsecured Cards: The Difference
A secured credit card is a credit card that you open with a bank or credit card provider, and to obtain it you need to leave a security deposit of about $ 200 (to be returned when you close the card). Annual percentage rates (APRs) on these credit cards range from 9.99% to 18.95%. This is an effective way to build credit especially if you have no credit or bad credit.
Don’t open too many lines of credit at once. You may be excited and want to get multiple credit cards. Do not do it! The credit bureaus will penalize your credit score if you apply for credit from multiple creditors in a short period of time. Get started with just a credit card.
Buy electronic devices in installments.
The next tip is to buy an electronic device (or something similar, like an appliance) in installments. We don’t recommend this if you already have a credit history, but it can be a great way to build credit if you don’t.
Is it the same to do this and get a credit card?
This does not mean that you should open a credit card at the place of purchase. What I recommend is to pay for electronic devices in installments. Buying them with a credit card can damage your credit if you exceed 30% of the credit limit (we will see more on this on a later tip). However, paying in installments helps you build credit. So make sure that you can pay in installments what you buy, and that the store where you make the purchase reports these payments to the credit agency.
Pay your bills on time!
Limit the number of credit applications you make
Every time you fill out a credit application, creditors ask the credit bureaus for a thorough consultation or verification, commonly known as a credit hard inquiry. These credit checks affect your credit score and stay on your report for two years. On average, each inquiry can lower your credit score by an average of 2 – 5 points or more. Therefore, too many inquiries cause your credit score to plummet so you could pay higher interest rates when applying for loans and credit cards.
Do not close credit cards that you have paid in full
Don’t close a credit card account simply because you don’t use the card. Even if you’re not using credit on the unused cards, the available credit counts towards reducing your credit utilization rate mentioned in a previous tip. So, as a strategy to improve your credit score, keep those accounts open!
By far the best tip we can offer: Get professional help!
At Credit Services of America we have helped thousands of customers repair their credit, we have also help boost their overall credit file through the many tools we offer and with the help of our very experienced Credit Consultants. Give us a try, call us to set up a FREE Credit Consultation and explore a new world of credit possibilities. A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish. Give us a call TODAY at 844-FIX-URCR or click on the following link to schedule your FREE consultation and create your personalize plan to achieve your credit and debt GOALS!
*Individual results may vary. Please call for more details and to discuss your own individual situation.